A One Act about death, loss and love.
Scene continues….
ANN. How’s your Dad doing?
JON. Dad? (bitter) Oh Dad’s great, hasn’t changed…he’ll never change. Didn’t after mom died, why should he do it for his father. (pause then unleashing and personal) Can you believe somebody had to tell him to give my grandma a hug…the day before the funeral everybody showed up, paid there respects and finally…there she was standing there with nobody left to smile at and say ‘thank you’ to, so she just turned around and stood there…in front of the casket…in silence…nothing. (beat) I’ve never heard somebody cry so hard…so quietly. And my aunt has to tell my Dad “go give your mother a hug”. It’s beyond words.
ANN. Must’ve been pretty hard for him.
JON. His father died. That’s incentive Ann, not an excuse.
ANN. (defensive) Interesting. What’s yours?
JON. (complete denial released as rage) I am not turning into my father!
ANN. Really?
JON. Ok I’m done with this conversation. (Leaves to bathroom)
ANN. “This” conversation? You should try talking to your dad. Did you?
JON. (bitter) Nah, just all week.
ANN. Well did you try? (nervous pause) Did you tell him about me?
JON. (he comes out of the bathroom) I told you, I’ll tell my family about you when I’m ready.
ANN. The rate you’re going they’ll ALL be dead. (nervous silence, she’s crossed the line) I’m sorry. (pause) Jon what do you want me to do? I’ll do it. (pause) I feel like I’m all by myself here.
JON. Well that makes two of us.
Scene continues….